A Creature is coming...
The NEST is an immersive playscape for young people and their communities to explore the identity and home of an illusive and migrating Creature. Children explore ideas through unstructured play and hands-on making guided by a cohort of NEST facilitators who invite people to fill-in an empty armature with handmade writings and reflections on their city's assets and strengths along with musings/makings to welcome and unknown being.
Visit www.thenestiscoming.com to learn more! |
The NEST explores collective identities of a Creature to invite child-led creation and using tools like creative drama, visual art-making and open-ended questions. The goal of The NEST is to establish spaces for young people to practice civic engagement through creative exploration in public spaces to welcome difference and visibly celebrate their communities' assets. Originally developed during 2014 FINE Artist Residency at Pittsburgh Children's Museum.